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Notebook: Did you see my brother?!


This notebook is one of our original, handmade and one-of-a-kind illustrated notebooks.

Notebook Front Cover - Three Little Pigs Custom
Custom Handmade Notebook - The Three Little Pigs

The Origin of our Notebooks

We love to focus our work in creating fun and clever products that our customers will admire, love and cherish. Either they are buying them for themselves or as a gift to someone special.

As a result, all our notebooks feature original watercolour illustrations.

Notebook Back Cover - Three Little Pigs Custom
Custom Handmade Notebook - The Three Little Pigs ( Back Cover)

Unique and One of a Kind

On the front-cover we featured two of the “Three Little Pigs” who are looking for their missing brother. And they decide to ask the Big “Bad” Wolf if he knows where he is.

Probably, from the traditional story tale, we would believe that the Wolf ate their poor brother.

But, it’s only when we check the back cover of our notebook that we get our answer: their brother is just taking a nap!

Notebook Front Cover Detail - Three Little Pigs Custom
Notebook Back Cover Detail - Three Little Pigs Custom

Find out more...

Check for this and other of our unique notebooks, and all our other fun and original products in our Etsy store.

And if you have any questions, or just want to know more, please contact us! We’re happy to help!

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