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Wood Bookmarks To Make Sure You Pick Up Where You Left Off


Whether you love to read literary fiction, YA, nonfiction, or any other number of genres, just being a book lover puts you in a very special group of people.

With books, we learn, we gain new knowledge, new skills, and we can even be transported to a complete different imaginarium world.

Book Lovers

If so, you’ll know that it’s an optimist belief that we can totally remember the page number where you left. 

So what do you do? 

Many people end up folding a corner of the page, but most of the times that method is unreliable or unattractive and people end-up frustrated with all those dog-eared page corners will still mark their books long after we’ve finished reading!

There is, however, an easy solution: Bookmarks!


Wood Bookmark Set in a Book

Our Wood Bookmarks

A good bookmark will hold it’s place more clearly and reliably than a bit of scrap paper, and it will ensure the integrity of each page in your beloved books.

Once you tried our wood bookmarks, you’ll never want to go back to the dark days where you had to guess whether you were at page 56 or 65.

woodbookmark set
wood bookmarks

Unique and One of a Kind

We have fantastic, one-of-a-kind, fun bookmarks that you will want to use without worrying about damaging your books.

Our bookmarks are:

Now that you know all about our clever bookmarks, you’re ready to enjoy your books, without worrying about damaging them!

And if you’re like us at Desfigura, and you read more than a book at the same time, why not having wood bookmarks for each one of your  books?


Find out more...


Check for this and other of our unique products in our Etsy store.

And if you have any questions, or you’re interested in some customised wood bookmarks for your favourite books, please contact us! 

We will be happy to help!

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